The philosophy of the Madison Preparatory Academy is based on the belief that a student’s education is nurtured through the quality and character of the relationship between home and school.       read more ....


At Madison Prep, students will choose either a liberal arts or math/science track. Students are scheduled to complete all credits needed for graduation by the end of their junior years.                          read more ....


Academic Programs


To respond to the community's education needs concerns, the CSAL board, administrators and teachers decided to open Madison Preparatory High School. Madison Prep opened as a charter school with 70 ninth graders and and 21 10th graders.  A freshman class will be added for each years for the next three years.

 At Madison Prep, students will choose either a liberal arts or math/science track. Students are scheduled to complete all credits needed for graduation by the end of their junior years. They will focus on their specific academic track their senior year and enroll in a career training program, begin an early college program or participate in an internship.  As an option, the students will serve as interns with local companies getting experience and exposure to the workplace in areas related to their academic track.


Madison Preparatory High School will feature:


▪ No tuition - it's free

▪ Free transportation

▪ College prep

▪ Workforce training and certification

▪ Small class sizes

▪ Dual enrollment for college credit

▪ Project-based learning

▪ Limited enrollment


▪ GEE, SAT and ACT prep

▪ Math/science track

▪ Liberal arts track

▪ Internships with local companies

▪ Field trips

▪ College tours

▪ A requirement that all students apply to college, whether accepted or not


Madison Parent Academy Officers


We had a successful meeting on November 10th. The following officers were elected:


MPA President-Felisca Baaheth

Vice President-Stephanie Smith

Treasurer-Jackie Royal

Secretary- Lisa Domino

These ladies will host the next parent meeting.  We will notify you as soon as we schedule the December meeting.


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